Interface ReadDbOptions

Options to readDb and readRawDb.

interface ReadDbOptions {
    cardNo?: number;
    dbInfo?: DlpDBInfoType;
    includeDeletedAndArchivedRecords?: boolean;


cardNo?: number

Card number on the Palm OS device (typically 0).

dbInfo?: DlpDBInfoType

Pre-fetched DlpDBInfoType for the database.

On Palm OS 2.x and earlier, there is no way to get a DlpDBInfoType for a single database as DlpFindDBByName is not supported. Instead, we need to use DlpReadDBList to read DlpDBInfoType for all databases on the device. So if doing a bulk backup, we should call DlpReadDBList first and pass in the corresponding DlpDBInfoType in each call to readDb().

includeDeletedAndArchivedRecords?: boolean

Whether to include deleted / archived records.