Class PadpDatagramHeader

PADP datagram header.


  • SObject
    • PadpDatagramHeader



flags: PadpDatagramAttrs = ...


sizeOrOffset: SUInt16BE | SUInt32BE = ...

Size of the entire PADP message (if first datagram) or offset within the PADP message (if 2nd or later datagram).

The size of this field depends on the isLongForm flag.

type: PadpDatagramType = PadpDatagramType.DATA

Type of this PADP datagram.


  • Assign properties to this object from a JSON object.

    Conceptually equivalent to Object.assign(), but recursively hydrates SObjects / SArrays / SerializableWrappers etc and invokes their assignJSON() to process JSON values. For example:

    class A extends SObject {
    @field(SUInt8) prop1: number;
    class B extends SObject {
    @field() a = new A();
    const b1 = new B();
    b1.assignJSON({a: {prop1: 300}});


    • jsonObject: {
          [key: string | symbol]: unknown;
      • [key: string | symbol]: unknown

    Returns void

  • Assign properties to this object from a map of Serializables.

    Conceptually equivalent to Object.assign(), but automatically unwraps wrapped properties. Fields defined with @field() are directly assigned, and fields defined with @field(wrapper) are assigned by unwrapping the corresponding SerializableWrapper. Unknown fields are considered an error.


    • serializableMap: {
          [propertyKey: string | symbol]: Serializable;
      • [propertyKey: string | symbol]: Serializable

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • buffer: Buffer
    • Optionalopts: DeserializeOptions

    Returns number

  • Computes the serialized length of this value.


    • Optionalopts: SerializeOptions

    Returns number

  • Returns {
        [key: string | symbol]: any;

    • [key: string | symbol]: any
  • Map values of this object to Serializable.

    Fields defined with @field() are preserved as-is, and field defined with @field(wrapper) are wrapped in their respective wrapper types.

    Returns {
        [propertyKey: string]: Serializable;

    • [propertyKey: string]: Serializable
  • Creates a new instance of this value by deserializing from a buffer.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Serializable


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • buffer: Buffer
    • Optionalopts: DeserializeOptions

    Returns T

  • Create a new instance with the provided initial properties.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends SObject


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • Optionalprops: Partial<T>

    Returns T

  • Similar to with(), but uses assignJSON() instead of Object.assign().

    Type Parameters

    • T extends SObject


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • json: {
          [key: string | symbol]: unknown;
      • [key: string | symbol]: unknown

    Returns T