Class DlpWriteUserInfoReqType

DLP request to set user info.

DLP 1.0 (PalmOS v1.0 and above)

Error codes:


Hierarchy (view full)



funcId: DlpFuncId = DlpFuncId.WriteUserInfo

DLP function ID.

lastSyncDate: Date = ...

Timestamp of last sync.

lastSyncPc: number = 0

ID of last synced PC (0 if none).

modFlags: DlpUserInfoModFlags = ...

Which fields in userInfo to write to the device.

responseType: typeof DlpWriteUserInfoRespType = DlpWriteUserInfoRespType

The response class corresponding to this request.

userId: number = 0

HotSync user ID number (0 if none)

userName: string = ''
viewerId: number = 0

ID assigned to viewer by desktop app.

Not currently used:


  • Assign properties to this object from a JSON object.

    Conceptually equivalent to Object.assign(), but recursively hydrates SObjects / SArrays / SerializableWrappers etc and invokes their assignJSON() to process JSON values. For example:

    class A extends SObject {
    @field(SUInt8) prop1: number;
    class B extends SObject {
    @field() a = new A();
    const b1 = new B();
    b1.assignJSON({a: {prop1: 300}});


    • jsonObject: {
          [key: string | symbol]: unknown;
      • [key: string | symbol]: unknown

    Returns void

  • Assign properties to this object from a map of Serializables.

    Conceptually equivalent to Object.assign(), but automatically unwraps wrapped properties. Fields defined with @field() are directly assigned, and fields defined with @field(wrapper) are assigned by unwrapping the corresponding SerializableWrapper. Unknown fields are considered an error.


    • serializableMap: {
          [propertyKey: string | symbol]: Serializable;
      • [propertyKey: string | symbol]: Serializable

    Returns void

  • Map values of this object to Serializable.

    Fields defined with @field() are preserved as-is, and field defined with @field(wrapper) are wrapped in their respective wrapper types.

    Returns {
        [propertyKey: string]: Serializable;

    • [propertyKey: string]: Serializable
  • Creates a new instance of this value by deserializing from a buffer.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Serializable


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • buffer: Buffer
    • Optionalopts: DeserializeOptions

    Returns T

  • Create a new instance with the provided initial properties.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends SObject


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • Optionalprops: Partial<T>

    Returns T

  • Similar to with(), but uses assignJSON() instead of Object.assign().

    Type Parameters

    • T extends SObject


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • json: {
          [key: string | symbol]: unknown;
      • [key: string | symbol]: unknown

    Returns T