Class DlpFindDBOptFlags

Options used by DlpFindDBByNameReqType and its siblings.


  • {
        value: number;
        wrapperType: (new () => SerializableWrapper<number>);
        assignJSON(jsonValue: number | {
            [key: string]: number;
            [key: symbol]: number;
        }): void;
        deserialize(buffer: Buffer, opts?: DeserializeOptions): number;
        getSerializedLength(opts?: SerializeOptions): number;
        serialize(opts?: SerializeOptions): Buffer;
        toJSON(): any;
    • DlpFindDBOptFlags


  • Returns DlpFindDBOptFlags


getAttributes: boolean = false

Get database attributes.

If this is set, the response will include database attributes. See DlpFindDBRespType for the set of relevant properties.

getMaxRecSize: boolean = false

Get maximum record / resource size.

Only valid for DlpFindDBByOpenHandleReqType. If this is set, the response will include maximum record size information. See DlpFindDBRespType for the set of relevant properties.

getSize: boolean = false

Get record count and data size.

If this is set, the response will include record count and database size information. See DlpFindDBRespType for the set of relevant properties.

value: number
wrapperType: (new () => SerializableWrapper<number>)


  • Parameters

    • jsonValue: number | {
          [key: string]: number;
          [key: symbol]: number;

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • buffer: Buffer
    • Optionalopts: DeserializeOptions

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • Optionalopts: SerializeOptions

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • Optionalopts: SerializeOptions

    Returns Buffer

  • Returns any

  • Type Parameters

    • T_1 extends Serializable


    • this: (new () => T_1)
    • buffer: Buffer
    • Optionalopts: DeserializeOptions

    Returns T_1

  • Create a new instance of this wrapper class from a raw value.

    Type Parameters

    • SBitmaskT extends SBitmask


    Returns SBitmaskT

  • Create a new instance of this wrapper class from a raw value.


    • wrapperType: (new () => SerializableWrapper<number>)
        • new (): SerializableWrapper<number>
        • Returns SerializableWrapper<number>

    Returns any

  • Create a new instance with the provided initial properties.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends SBitmask


    • this: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    • Optionalprops: Partial<T>

    Returns T